Gameguru Mania Updated:12:34 PM CET Jan,15
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P.A.M.E.L.A. V0.2.1.3 [trainer +10]
P.A.M.E.L.A. V0.3.2.1 [trainer +10]
Pac Horror v.1.4 [trainer +1]
Pac Man All Stars [all access cheat]
Pac Pack [cheats]
Pac-Eat.Nx.v1.0 [trainer +1]
Pac-Man Museum+ [trainer +1]
Pac-Man World 2 [cheats]
Pac-Man World 3 [trainer +2]
Pac-Man World Rally [cheats]
Pac-Man [trainer +1]
Pac-Man: Adventures in Time [cheats]
Pac3d [trainer +2]
PacBomber v1.0 [trainer +6]
PacBomber v1.2 [trainer +7]
PacBomber v1.2 [trainer+4]
PacBoy v1.1 [trainer +3]
PacDoom III Halloween Party v3.0 [trainer +7]
PacDoom V1.2 [trainer +1]
Pacific Air Warrior [cheats]
Pacific Drive v1.1.3-v1.1.4+ [trainer +18]
Pacific Drive [cheats]
Pacific Gunner [cheats]
Pacific Warriors [trainer +10]
Pacifish [cheats]
Pacify [cheats]
Pack Rat [trainer +3]
PacLands v1.3 [all access cheats]
Pacman 2002 [trainer]
Pacman.2002 v1.0 [trainer +1]
PacMania II 3D v1.0 [cheats]
PacMania II 3D v1.0 [trainer +3]
PacMania II v1.5 [trainer +3]
Pacmania [trainer +7]
PacRush v4.80 [all access cheat]
Pacus v1.0 [trainer +4]
Pacus v1.1.1 [trainer +1]
Pacus v1.2 [trainer +4]
PacWorld v1.3 [trainer +8]
Pagan Absent Gods [Trainer +1]
Paganitzu [cheats]
Pagemaster [cheats]
Painkiller - Battle out of Heaven [cheats]
Painkiller - Hell & Damnation [trainer +4]
Painkiller - Recurring Evil [cheats]
Painkiller demo [cheats]
Painkiller Hell & Damnation DLC7 [trainer +4]
Painkiller Hell & Damnation v1.0 [trainer +4]
Painkiller Hell & Damnation v1.3 [trainer +4]
Painkiller Hell & Damnation v1.7 [trainer +4]
Painkiller Hell & Damnation v1.9 [trainer +4]
Painkiller Hell & Damnation [cheats]
Painkiller Redemption [trainer +2]
Painkiller [cheats]
Painkiller: Battle Out Of Hell [all access cheat]
Painkiller: Battle Out Of Hell [cheat enabler]
Painkiller: Hell & Damnation - Collector's Edition v1.10 [trainer +6]
Painkiller: Overdose [cheats]
Painkiller: Overdose [cheats]
Painkiller: Overdose [unlocker]
Painkiller: Overdose [update enabler]
Painkiller: Redemption [cheats]
Painkiller: Resurrection [cheats]
Paint The Town Red V0.2.2 32bit [trainer +3]
Paint The Town Red V0.2.3 32bit [trainer +3]
Paint The Town Red V0.2.3 64t [trainer +3]
Paint The Town Red V0.2.4 64bit [trainer +3]
Paint The Town Red V0.3.2 64-bit [trainer +3]
Paint The Town Red V0.3.8 64-bit [trainer +3]
Paint The Town Red V0.3.9 64-bit [trainer +3]
Paint The Town Red V0.8.30 64bit [trainer +3]
Paintball 2000 [trainer +3]
Paladin Duty - Knights and Blades [trainer +2]
Palia [cheats]
Palworld - Early Access [trainer +46] Last Updated: 2024.01.24
Palworld Console Commands List
Palworld [trainer +46] Early Access+ 2024.06.27
Panda Legend [trainer +6]
Pandemic Train [Trainer +6]
Pandemonium 2
Pandemonium 2 [cheats]
Pandemonium v1.5BF [trainer +1]
Pandemonium [cheats]
Pandemonium [trainer +3]
Pandora First Contact V1.4.1 [trainer +6]
Pandora First Contact V1.5.1 [trainer +6]
Pandora First Contact version 1.5.4 [trainer +6]
Pandora: First Contact [cheats]
Pandoras Box (trainer +4)
Pang Adventures [cheats]
Pangeon v1.0.3 [Trainer +5]
Panic Volcano v1.0 [trainer +3]
Pantheon v1.0 [unlocker]
Panty Raider [trainer]
Panty Raider: From Here to Immaturity [cheats]
Panza Kick Boxing [cheats]
Panzer Campaigns 6 Korsun 44 v1.01 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns 6 Korsun 44 v1.02 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns 6 Korsun 44 V1.03 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Bulge 44 v1.02 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Bulge 44 v1.03 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Bulge 44 v1.04 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Bulge 44 v1.05 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns ElAlamein '42 v1.01 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns France 40 v1.04 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Fulda Gap 85 v1.02 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Kharkov 42 v1.04a [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Kharkov 42 v1.05 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Kharkov 42 v1.07 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Korsun 44 V1.04 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Kursk 43 v1.01 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Kursk 43 v1.02 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Kursk 43 v1.06 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Kursk v1.03 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Market Garden 44 v1.01 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Market Garden 44 V1.02 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Market Garden 44 V1.05 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Market Garden 44 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Middle East 67 v1.03 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Middle East 67 v1.05 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Moscow '41 [trainer]
Panzer Campaigns Normandy 44 v1.06a [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Normandy 44 v1.09 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Normandy 44 v1.11[trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Rzhev 42 v1.02 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Rzhev 42 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Rzhev 42 [trainer +3] (Deviance)
Panzer Campaigns Sicily '43 v1.02 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Sicily '43 v1.05 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Sicily 43 v1.01 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Sicily 43 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Smolensk 41 v1.10 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Smolensk 41 v1.10b [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Smolensk 41 v1.11 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Smolensk 41 v1.11a [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Smolensk 41 v1.2 [trainer +3]
Panzer Campaigns Tobruk 41 v1.02 [trainer +2]
Panzer Campaigns Tobruk 41 v1.03 [trainer +2]
Panzer Commander - Trainer (+1)
Panzer Commander [cheats]
Panzer Corps 2 [cheats]
Panzer Corps [cheats]
Panzer Dragoon [cheats]
Panzer Dragoon [trainer +3]
Panzer Elite Action: Dunes of War [trainer +3]
Panzer Elite Action: Dunes of War [trainer +3]
Panzer Elite Action: Dunes of War [unlocker]
Panzer Elite [cheats]
Panzer General 2 [cheats updated]
Panzer General 3: Scorched Earth [cheat]
Panzer General 3: Scorched Earth [trainer +1]
Panzer General 3D Assault [cheats]
Panzer Paladin v1.0.0.6721 [Trainer +2]
Panzer Paladin [Trainer +4]
Panzer Strategy V01.10.2018 [trainer +8]
Panzerjagd [cheats]
Paper Monsters [trainer +2]
Papers Please V1.1.65 [trainer +1]
Papers, Please [cheats]
Papyrus [trainer +4]
Paradise Island - VR MMO [cheats]
Paradise [cheats unlocker]
Paranoia 2: Savior v48.0.96 b2900 [trainer +5]
Paranormal Files: Fellow Traveler Collector's Edition [Trainer +3]
Paranormal Files: The Trap of Truth Collector's Edition [Trainer +3]
Paranormal Files: Trials of Worth Collector's Edition [Trainer +4]
Paranormal State: Poison Spring [cheats]
Paratrooper [hex cheats]
ParaWorld [resources cheat]
Pariah [cheats]
Pariah [trainer +6]
Paris-Dakar Rally [cheats]
Park after Dark [cheats]
Parkan: Iron Strategy [all missions cheat]
Parkan: Iron Strategy [cheats]
Parking Garage Rally Circuit [cheats]
Parkitect [cheats]
Partisans 1941 [trainer +4]
Party Hard 2 V1.0.012r [trainer + 3]
Passage 3 v2.53 [trainer +2]
Path of Achra [cheats]
Path of Exile 2 [cheats]
Path of Exile 2 [trainer +30]
Path of Kung Fu [trainer +41] Early Access+ Last Updated: 2024.09.26
Path Of Wuxia v2020.05.01 [Trainer +27] {FLiNG}
Path To Success [trainer +1]
PathFinder Kingmaker V1.0.12 [trainer +8]
PathFinder Kingmaker V1.00 [trainer +4]
PathFinder Kingmaker V1.1.4b [trainer +8]
PathFinder Kingmaker V1.2.0 [trainer +8]
PathFinder Kingmaker V1.2.5d [Trainer +8]
PathFinder Kingmaker V2.0.2 [Trainer +8]
Pathfinder: Kingmaker v1.0-v2.1.5 [Trainer +16] {FLiNG}
PathFinder: Pathfinding Simulator 3300 v1.0 [unlocker]
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous v1.0 [Trainer +21] {FLiNG}
Pathologic 2 V1.00 [Trainer +8]
Pathway V1.00 [Trainer +4]
Patrician 2 [money trainer]
Patrician 2 [single player starting savegames]
Patrician II v1.1 [trainer +4]
Patrician III [cheats]
Patrician III [money trainer]
Patrician III [trainer +3]
Patriots: A Nation Under Fire [cheats]
Patron - Mare Nostrum v1.202.1 [trainer +1]
Pavlov VR [cheats]
Paws And Claws Pet Vet [cheats]
Pax Corpus [cheats]
Pax Imperia [cheats]
Pax Romana [cheats]
Payday - The Heist [cheats]
PayDay 2 Update 29.1 [trainer +17]
Payday 2 V1.86.496 [trainer +3]
Payday 2 [cheats]
Payday 3 [cheats]
PC Building Simulator 2 v1.0 [Trainer +9] {FLiNG}
PC Building Simulator 2 v1.0-v1.1 [Trainer +9] {FLiNG}
PC Building Simulator 2 v1.0-v1.3 [Trainer +9] {FLiNG}
PC Building Simulator V0.7.10.1 [trainer +2]
PC Building Simulator V0.7.4 [trainer +1]
PC Building Simulator V1.00 [trainer +2]
PC Building Simulator v1.11 [Trainer +6] {FLiNG}
PC Building Simulator v1.15.3 Save Game
Peacemaker GERMAN [all mission cheat]
Pearl Harbor Defend the Fleet [cheats]
Pearl Harbor The Day of Infamy [trainer +1]
Pearl Harbor The Day of Infamy [trainer +4]
Pearl Harbor: Attack! Attack! [trainer +4]
Pearl Harbor: Attack! Attack! [trainer +5]
Pearl Harbor: Strike At Dawn [trainer +4]
Pearl Harbor: Zero Hour [cheats]
Peggle Deluxe v1.0 [unlocker]
Peggle Nights Deluxe [cheats]
Peggle Nights [cheats]
Pegit v1.1.3 [trainer +2]
PegIt! v1.0 [trainer +2]
PegIt! v1.0 [unlocker]
PegIt! v1.0.3 [trainer +3]
PegIt! v1.0.6 [trainer +3]
PenG Penguins [trainer +4]
Penguin Racers v1.0 [unlocker]
Penny's Big Breakaway [trainer +5]
Pennzoil: World of Outlaws [cheats]
Penumbra Black Plague [cheats/hints]
Penumbra Black Plague [Trainer +3]
Penumbra Black Plague [trainer +4]
Penumbra Overture [trainer +2]
Pepper Grinder [cheats]
Pepper Grinder [trainer +2]
Perennial Order v1.0.3 [trainer +5]
Perestroika [cheats]
Perfect Ace Pro Tournament Tennis [trainer +2]
Perfect Ace [trainer +2]
Perfect Weapon [cheats]
PeriAreion V4.0.2 [trainer +7]
Perimeter 1.01 [trainer]
Perimeter Emperors Testament [trainer +1]
Perimeter Emperors Testament [unlocker]
Perimeter Emperor's Testament [trainer]
Perimeter v1.0 [trainer +1]
Perimeter [all access cheat]
Perimeter [editor] (German)
Perimeter [trainer +1]
Perpetuum [cheats]
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil Collector's Edition [Trainer +3]
Persian Wars [cheats]
Persian Wars [money trainer]
Persona 3 Portable v1.0 [trainer +28] {FLiNG}
Persona 3 Portable [cheats]
Persona 3 Reload v1.0+ [trainer +34]
Persona 3 Reload [cheats]
Persona 4 Golden v1.0 [Trainer +21] {FLiNG}
Persona 4 Golden v1.0-v1.1 [Trainer +29] {FLiNG}
Persona 4 Golden v2020.07.04 [Trainer +29] {FLiNG}
Persona 4 Golden v20230119 [trainer +29] {FLiNG}
Persona 5 Royal v1.0 [Trainer +34] {FLiNG}
Persona 5 Royal [cheats]
Persona 5 Strikers v1.0 [Trainer +16] {FLiNG}
Persona 5 Strikers [cheats]
Personal Study [cheats]
Personal Velocity v1.4 [trainer +1]
Pervert Action: Timelapse [cheats]
PES 2010/2011 [face converter]
PES 2012 [score changer]
PES 2014 - File Loader v1.0.2.6 beta
Pet Idle [cheats]
Pet Racer [unlocker]
Pet Soccer [unlocker]
Pet Vet 3D: Animal Hospital Down Under [trainer +1]
Pet Wings (Shareware game) [trainer +3]
Petanque 1907-2007 [trainer +3]
Peter Pan Adventures In Never Land [trainer+4]
Petri Heil [all access cheat]
Petwings [trainer +2]
Petz: Catz 2 [cheats]
PGA Championship Golf 2000 [trainer +1]
PGA Tour Golf [cheats]
Phantasmal [cheats]
Phantasmat Collector's Edition v1.08 [Trainer +3]
Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst [cheats]
Phantasy Star Universe [cheats]
Phantasy Stary Universe: Ambition Of The Illuminus [cheats]
Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds V1.03 [trainer +2]
Phantom Doctrine V1.00 [trainer +8]
Phantom Doctrine V1.1 [Trainer +8]
Phantom Fury v17276 [trainer +5]
Phantom Fury [cheats]
Pharaoh + Cleopatra [cheats]
Pharaoh Cleopatra v2.1 [trainer +1]
Pharaoh [cheats updated]
Pharaoh [trainer +3]
Pharaoh [trainer]
Pharaoh's Revenge [cheats]
Pharaoh: Cleopatra [trainer +2]
Pharaohs Curse Gold v1.60 [all access cheat]
Pharaohs Curse v1.0 [trainer +1]
Pharaos Curse v1.0 [trainer +1]
Phelios Abracadabra v1.0.020204 [trainer +6]
PHELIOS ABRACADABRA v1.0.032304 [trainer +6]
PHELIOS ABRACADABRA v1.1 [trainer +7]
PHELIOS ABRACADABRA v1.1.080404 [trainer +7]
Phelios Android v1.0 100803 [all levels]
Phelios Android v1.0 100803 [trainer +3]
Phelios Android v1.0 [all access cheat]
Phelios Android v1.0 [trainer +3]
Phelios Android v1.0.100803 [trainer +3]
Phelios Bongo Boogie v1.3 100703 [trainer +6]
Phelios Bongo Boogie v1.3.011804 [trainer +7]
Phelios Bongo Boogie v1.3.121403 [trainer +6]
Phelios Bongo Boogie v1.5 021404 [trainer +6]
Phelios BongoBoogie v1.5.030804 [trainer +8]
Phelios BongoBoogie v1.5.051504 [trainer +7]
Phelios Doulber Gold v1.0 [trainer +5]
Phelios Doulber Gold v2.0 100703 [trainer +5]
Phelios Doulber Gold v2.0 [all access cheat]
Phelios Doulber Gold v2.0 [trainer +5]
Phelios Doulber Gold v2.1 [trainer +5]
Phelios Doulber Gold v2.1.021704 [trainer +5]
Phelios Doulber Gold v2.1.021704 [trainer +5]
Phelios Energy v1.00 [trainer +1]
Phelios Energy v1.02 [trainer +1]
Phelios Helix v1.0.010504 [all access cheat]
Phelios Helix v1.0.010504 [trainer +6]
PHELIOS KAI-JIN V1.0 [trainer +7]
PHELIOS KAI-JIN V1.0.040104 [trainer +7]
PHELIOS KAI-JIN v1.0.061904 [trainer +7]
PHELIOS KAI-JIN V1.0.091004 [trainer +7]
Phelios Kaijin v1.0.040805 [trainer +7]
Phelios KaiJin v1.0.111204 [trainer +7]
Phelios Little Soldiers v1.0.111804 [trainer +2]
Phelios Little Soldiers v1.0.161004 [all access cheat]
Phelios Little Soldiers v1.0.161004 [cheats]
Phelios Little Soldiers v1.0.161004 [trainer +5]
Phelios Swap v1.0.011304 [trainer +2]
Phelios Swap v1.0.052304 [trainer +2]
Phelios Swap v1.0.122103 [trainer +2]
Phelios Swap v1.1.070304 [trainer +4]
Phelios Swap v1.1.160205 [trainer +4]
Phelios Swap v1.2 [trainer +4]
Phoenix Point Epic Store v1.0-v1.6.1 [Trainer +23] {FLiNG}
Phoenix Point v1.0 [Trainer +23] {FLiNG}
Phoenix Point v1.0-v1.13 [Trainer +23] {FLiNG}
Phoenix Point v1.0-v1.9 [Trainer +23] {FLiNG}
Phoenix Point: Epic Store v1.0-v1.0.56083 [Trainer +23] {FLiNG}
Pickers [cheats]
Pickup Express [cheats]
Pid [cheats]
Piece of Wonder [unlocker]
Pieces of my Heart [cheats]
Pier Pressure [Trainer +3]
PiEyeGames MirrorMixup v1.03 [all access cheat]
Pike [cheats]
Piles'o'Tiles v2.0F [trainer +3]
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire V1.0.1.0064 [trainer +5]
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire V1.1.0.0035 [trainer +5]
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire V4.0.0.0034 [Trainer +5]
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire V4.1.0.0023 [Trainer +5]
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire [cheats]
Pillars of Eternity v1.0 - v1.0.5.0567 [trainer +23]
Pillars of Eternity v1.0 - v1.0.6.0591 [trainer +23]
Pillars of Eternity v1.0 - v1.0.6.0617 [trainer +23]
Pillars of Eternity v1.0-v3.06 [Trainer +24] {FLiNG}
Pillars of Eternity v1.0.6.0617 [trainer +7]
Pillars of Eternity v2.00.0706 [trainer +7]
Pillars of Eternity v2.02.0749 [trainer +7]
Pillars of Eternity V2.03.0788 [trainer +7]
Pillars of Eternity V3.02.1008 [trainer +7]
Pillars of Eternity V3.03.1047 [trainer +7]
Pillars of Eternity version [trainer +7]
Pillars of Eternity [cheats]
Pillars of Eternity [trainer +6]
Pillars of Eternity: Definitive Edition [cheats]
Pillars of Garendall [trainer +5]
Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines [cheats]
Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines [trainer +3]
Pinao v1.10 [all access cheat]
Pinao v1.11 [all access cheat]
Pinao v1.11 [trainer +3]
Pinball FX 2 [cheats]
Pinball FX3: Williams Pinball - Volume 1 [cheats]
Pinball Illusions [cheats]
Pinball Master [trainer +1]
Pinball Soccer 98
Pinball Soccer Stars v1.14 [trainer +1]
Pinball [trainer +1]
Pine Harbor [trainer +4]
Ping2Pong v1.0 [trainer +2]
Pingo Pango v1.0 [all access cheat]
Pink Panther [cheats]
Pink Panther [trainer +2]
Pipe Dream [cheats]
PipeFun v1.3 [trainer +3]
PipeFun v1.5 [trainer +6]
PipeFun v2.21 [trainer +4]
PipeFun v2.25 [trainer +2]
Pirate Island v1.000 [trainer +5]
Pirate Isles .v1.71 [trainer +6]
Pirate Isles v1.1 [trainer +1]
Pirate Isles v1.3 [trainer +1]
Pirate Isles v1.6 [trainer +1]
Pirate Souls [cheats]
Pirates Life [trainer +1]
Pirates of Black Cove [cheats]
Pirates Of The Caribbean At Worlds End [trainer +10]
Pirates Of The Caribbean At Worlds End [trainer +2]
Pirates Of The Caribbean At Worlds End [trainer +4]
Pirates of the Caribbean Online [cheats]
Pirates of the Caribbean The Legend of Jack Sparrow [trainer +4]
Pirates Of The Caribbean The Legend Of Jack Sparrow [unlocker]
Pirates of the Caribbean [cheats]
Pirates of the Polygon Sea [cheats]
Pirates Plunder v3.58 [trainer +2]
Pirates! [cheats]
Pirates: Legend Of The Black Buccaneer [cheats]
Pit People V02.23.2017 [trainer +2]
Pit People v4a [trainer +2]
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure [cheats]
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure [trainer +11]
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure [trainer +5]
PIVO [Trainer +2]
PixArk V1.52 [Trainer +12]
Pixel Cube BreakJack v1.03 [trainer +1]
Pixel Cube PokerBreak v1.0 [trainer +1]
Pixel Heroes Byte And Magic V1.306 [trainer +2]
Pixel Heroes Byte And Magic V1.306 [trainer +2]
Pixel Piracy Trainer V0.5.0.2 [trainer +4]
Pixel Piracy V0.5.3.0 [trainer +4]
Pixel Piracy V1.0.12 [trainer +4]
Pixel Piracy V1.0.14 [trainer +4]
Pixel Piracy V1.0.7 [trainer +4]
Pixel Piracy V6.0.0 [trainer +4]
Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime [cheats]
Pixel Puzzles: Japan [cheats]
Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ [cheats]
Pixel Shinobi Nine demons of Mamoru v1.0.0 [Trainer +3]
Pixel Shinobi: Nine demons of Mamoru v1.0.1.4 [Trainer +3]
PixelJunk Eden [cheats]
Pixie Power Swapper v1.02 [trainer +1]
Pizza Connection 2 [cheats]
Pizza Connection 2 [trainer +3]
Pizza Connection 3 04.04.2018 [trainer +1]
Pizza Connection 3 [cheats]
Pizza Frenzy v5.2.2.1 [unlocker]
Pizza Frenzy v5.3.3.1 [trainer +3]
Pizza Tycoon [cheats updated]
Pizzadude [trainer +4]
Placid Plastic Duck Simulator [cheats]
Plague Inc Evolved ALL versions [trainer +1]
Plague Inc Evolved V0.7.1 [trainer +1]
Plague Inc Evolved V0.8.6.3 [trainer +3]
Plague Inc Evolved V1.13.0 [trainer +3]
Plague Inc Evolved V4.3.1.28294 [trainer +1]
Plague Inc Evolved V9 [trainer +1]
Plague Inc. Evolved v1.16.10 [Trainer +8] {FLiNG}
Plague Inc. Evolved v1.18 [Trainer +8] {FLiNG}
Plague Inc: Evolved [cheats]
Planescape Torment [trainer +3]
Planescape: Torment
Planescape: Torment [cheats]
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition [cheats]
Planet Cazmo [cheats]
Planet Centauri V0.6.0 [trainer +6]
Planet Coaster V1.11.0 [Trainer +3]
Planet Coaster V1.12.0 [Trainer +3]
Planet Coaster v1. [trainer +3]
Planet Explorers v0.75 [trainer +7]
Planet Explorers V0.76 [trainer +7]
Planet Explorers V0.81 [trainer +7]
Planet Explorers V0.82 [trainer +7]
Planet Explorers V0.83 [trainer +7]
Planet Nomads V0.9.8.4 [Trainer +13]
Planet Nomads V1.00 [Trainer +12]
Planet Nomads [cheats]
Planet of the Apes [cheats]
Planet of the Apes [trainer +2]
Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier - SaveGame (The Game done 100%)
Planet X16 (CX16) [cheats]
Planet Zoo v1.0.1 [Trainer +7] {FLiNG}
Planet Zoo v1.0.1-v1.0.3 [Trainer +7] {FLiNG}
Planet Zoo v1.0.1-v1.1.0 [Trainer +7] {FLiNG}
Planet Zoo v1.0.1-v1.2.1 [Trainer +7] {FLiNG}
Planet Zoo v1.0.1-v1.3.1 [Trainer +7] {FLiNG}
Planet Zoo v1.0.1-v1.4.2 [Trainer +7] {FLiNG}
Planet Zoo [cheats]
Planeta 55 [Trainer +3]
Planetary Annihilation V73737 [trainer +2]
Planetary Annihilation V73737 [trainer +3]
Planetbase v1.0.1 [trainer +1]
Planetbase v1.04 [trainer +2]
Planetbase v1.05 [trainer +2]
Planetbase v1.06 [trainer +5]
Planetbase V1.1.3 [trainer +5]
Planetbase v1.10 [trainer +5]
Planets Under Attack [trainer +2]
PlanetSide 2 Redeem Codes (October 2024)
PlanetSide 2 [cheats]
Plant Tycoon [cheats]
Plants vs Zombies V1.2.0.1073 [trainer +2]
Plants vs. Zombies [trainer +7]
Plants vs. Zombies [cheats]
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 [cheats]
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare [cheats]
Plasma Worm [level codes]
Plasma Worm [trainer +3]
Plasma [cheats]
Plasticity [cheats]
Plastomorphosis [trainer +2]
Plateman [trainer +2]
Platform Racing 2 [cheats]
Platformines [cheats]
Platonix [level codes]
Platoon All [all missions cheat]
Platypus 2 v1.0 [all access cheat]
Platypus 2 v1.0 [trainer +10]
Platypus Mega Pack [cheats]
Platypus [cheats]
Play Together Coupon Codes (October 2024)
Playboy The Mansion 1.01 [money trainer]
Playboy The Mansion [cheats]
Playboy The Mansion [trainer +1]
Playboy The Mansion [trainer +2]
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds [cheats]
Please, Touch The Artwork 2 [cheats]
PLS DONATE Codes (October 2024)
Plumber Dog Alberto v1.02 [trainer +1]
Poached : Hunt The Hunter [trainer +5]
Pockie Ninja [cheats]
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined [trainer +6]
Poco In Dungeon [Trainer +4]
POD [cheats]
Pogo Dave v1.0 [trainer +1]
Point of Attack 2 v2.3.17 [trainer +1]
Point of Attack 2 [trainer +1]
Point of Attack v2.v2.2.07 [trainer +1]
Point Perfect [cheats]
Pokemon 2 Trading Cards Game [all game unlocker]
Pokemon Deluge [cheats]
Pokemon Trading Card Game Online [cheats]
Pokemon Unite Codes | Gift Codes (October 2024)
Pokemon Uranium V1.00 [trainer +6]
Pokemon YELLOW [trainer +10]
Poker Night 2 V1.0 [trainer +1]
Poker v1.0 [trainer +3]
Pokie-Magic Coral Cash v11.2.3.8 [trainer +1]
Pokie-Magic Crazy Fruit v10.9.26.5 [trainer +1]
Pokie-Magic Egyptian Dreams v10.18.10.6 [trainer +1]
Pokie-Magic Golden Dragon v11.5.10.8 [trainer +1]
Polaris Rebellion [cheats]
Police Tactical Training [trainer +1]
Police Tactical Training [trainer +3]
Police Tactics Imperio V1.1975 [trainer +3]
Political Tycoon [cheats updated]
Political Tycoon [savegame cheat]
Poly Bridge V0.71b [trainer +2]
Poly Bridge V0.73 [trainer +2]
Poly Bridge V1.00 [trainer +2]
Polybox [trainer +4]
Pong [trainer +1]
Pontifex 2 [money trainer]
Pontifex v10.19.01 [trainer +1]
Pool of Radiance [character editor v1.9]
Pool of Radiance [character editor]
Pool of Radiance [trainer +6]
Pool of Radiance [walktrough]
Pool Of Radiance: Ruins Of Myth Drannor [cheats]
Pool Paradise [trainer +1]
Pool Wars v.2.30 [trainer +1]
PopCap Pixelus Deluxe v1.0 [all access cheat]
PopCap Pixelus Deluxe v1.0 [trainer +2]
Popcorn [cheats]
Poppers v1.4 [trainer +1]
PopStar Maker [cheats[
Poptropica [cheats]
Population: One [cheats]
Populous 3 - cheats
Populous 3 - Undiscovered Worlds [trainer +6]
Populous 3: The Beginning (non-3D) [trainer +27]
Populous 3: The Beginning v1.01 [trainer +18]
Populous 3: The Beginning [cheats]
Popup Dungeon [cheats]
Port Royale 2 v1.1.0.129 [trainer +1]
Port Royale 2 [cheats]
Port Royale [cheats]
Port Royale [fixed money trainer]
Portal 2 *UPDATE1* [trainer +3]
Portal 2 *UPDATE2* [trainer +3]
Portal 2 *UPDATE5* [trainer +3]
Portal 2 [cheats]
Portal 2 [trainer +3]
Portal Knights V0.3.3 [trainer +4]
Portal Knights V1.6.1 [Trainer +4]
Portal Knights [cheats]
Portal Stories: Mel [cheats]
Portal [cheats]
Portal [developer mode enabler]
Portal: Prelude [cheats]
Ports Of Call 2002 Classic v2.03w [trainer +1]
Post Apocalyptic Mayhem [cheats]
Post Master Simulator V1.00 [trainer +2]
Post Master v1.0 Steam Version [trainer +2]
Post Mortem - Full Walktrough by KD (K.Daleng)
Postal (Demo) [cheats]
Postal 2 - Apocalypse Weekend [cheats]
Postal 2 - Apocalypse Weekend [cheats]
Postal 2 - Apocalypse Weekend [savegames]
Postal 2 -[hidden menu unlocker]
Postal 2 / Postal 2 Paradise Lost [trainer +2]
Postal 2 Multiplayer Ammo Hack
POSTAL 2 Paradise Lost Steam 5020 [trainer +2]
POSTAL 2 Steam 1417 [trainer +2]
POSTAL 2 Steam 5020 [trainer +2]
Postal 2 [cheats]
POSTAL 2 [enhaced game cheat]
Postal 2: Paradise Lost [cheats]
Postal 3 V1.00 [trainer +4]
Postal 3 [cheats]
Postal 4: No Regerts v1.0.6 [trainer +5]
POSTAL 4: No Regerts v1.3.2 [trainer +8]
POSTAL 4: No Regerts v1.4.0 [trainer +8]
Postal 4: No Regerts [cheats]
Postal 4: No Regerts [Trainer +4]
Postal 4: No Regerts [trainer +5]
Postal: Brain Damaged v2022.11.15 [trainer +7]
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator v2021.10.03 [Trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator v2022.12.20 [Trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Powder Game [cheats]
Power & Revolution 2022 Edition [cheats]
Power & Revolution GeoPolitical Simulator 4 V6.20 [trainer +7]
Power & Revolution GeoPolitical Simulator 4 V6.30 [trainer +7]
Power Chips And High Roller [trainer +9]
Power Chips [trainer +1]
Power Chips [trainer +3]
Power Of Destruction [trainer +4]
Power Of Destruction [trainer +8]
Power Of Destruction [unlocker]
Power Rangers: Super Legends [cheats]
Power Spike Pro Beach Volleyball [trainer +4]
Powerboxx v1.0 [trainer +1]
Powerdrome [trainer +2]
Powerdrome [unlocker]
Powerslave [cheats]
Powerslide [cheats]
PowerWash Simulator v1.0 [Trainer +6] {FLiNG}
PowerWash Simulator v1.0 [Trainer +6] {FLiNG}
PowerWash Simulator v1.0-v1.1 [trainer +6] updated {FLiNG}
PowerWash Simulator v1.0-v1.1 [Trainer +6] {FLiNG}
PowerWash Simulator v2021.06.09 [Trainer +6] {FLiNG}
PowerWash Simulator v2021.07.08 [Trainer +6] {FLiNG}
PowerWash Simulator v2021.09.06 [Trainer +6] {FLiNG}
PowerWash Simulator v2021.12.05 [Trainer +6] {FLiNG}
Praetorians v1.02 [trainer +4]
Praetorians v1.04 [trainer +5]
Praetorians [all level unlocker]
Praetorians [trainer +5]
Praetorians: HD Remaster [Trainer +9]
Praey For The Gods V0.5.025 [Trainer +6]
Prank TV [trainer +1]
Prank TV [trainer +2]
Prank TV [unlocker]
Pre Dusk [trainer +2]
Pre-Civilization Egypt V1.00 [trainer +4]
Predecessor [cheats]
Prehistoric Dude [Trainer +4]
Prehistorik 2 [cheats]
Premier Manager 08 [trainer +1]
Premier Manager 2 [cheats]
Premier Manager 2002/2003 [cheats]
Premier Manager 2002/2003 [trainer +1]
Premier Manager 2002/2003 [trainer +2]
Premier Manager 2003/2004 [cheats]
Premiere Manager 2006-2007 [trainer +1]
Presences: Dark Awakening Save Game
Presidents 3001 v1.03 [trainer +1]
Pressure [cheats]
PreVa [cheats]
Prey (2017) v1.0-v20200723 [Trainer +10] {FLiNG}
Prey (2017) [cheats]
Prey Mooncrash V07.02.2018 [trainer +6]
Prey Mooncrash V13.05.2019 [Trainer +6]
Prey Mooncrash V17.01.2019 [trainer +6]
Prey V06.14.2018 [trainer +6]
Prey v1.0 [trainer +10]
Prey v1.0 [trainer +14]
Prey v1.00 [trainer +6b]
Prey v1.2 [trainer +4]
Prey V17.01.2019 [trainer +6]
Prey [cheats]
Prey [savegames]
Prey [unlocker]
Prey [walktrough]
Primal Light [Trainer +2]
Primal Prey [cheats]
Primal Prey [trainer+8]
Primitive Wars - Legend of the Land [trainer +2]
Primordia [cheats]
Prince of Persia (2008) [cheats]
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time [trainer +4]
Prince of Persia 2 - Warrior Within [cheats]
Prince of Persia 2 - Warrior Within [savegames]
Prince of Persia 2 - Warrior Within [trainer +3]
Prince of Persia 2 [cheats]
Prince of Persia 3D
Prince of Persia 3D [cheats]
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands [trainer +8]
Prince of Persia [cheats]
Prince Of Persia [trainer +9]
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands [cheats]
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands [Trainer +6]
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands [trainer +6]
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown (Demo) [trainer +4]
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown v1.0.1 [trainer +16]
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown v1.1.0 [trainer +16]
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time [savegames]
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time [trainer +4]
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones [all access cheat]
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones [cheats]
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones [Trainer +4]
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones [trainer +4]
Prince of Qin v1.02 [trainer +2]
Prince of Qin [trainer +4]
Princess Maker 2 [cheats]
Princess Waltz [cheats]
Prison Architect 14k 64bit [trainer +6]
Prison Architect Alpha 17 [trainer +3]
Prison Architect Alpha 18 [trainer +3]
Prison Architect Alpha 19 [trainer +3]
Prison Architect Alpha 20 [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 21c [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 22 [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 23c [trainer +4 ]
Prison Architect Alpha 24a [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 25b [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 26a [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 27 [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 29 [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 31b [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 32a [trainer +4]
Prison Architect Alpha 34a [trainer +4]
Prison Architect V1.00 [trainer +4]
Prison Architect V1.02 [trainer +4]
Prison Tycoon 2 - Maximum Security v1.30 [trainer +1]
Prison Tycoon 2: Maximum Security [cheats]
Prison Tycoon 3: LOCK DOWN v1.022 [trainer +1]
Prison Tycoon 3: LOCK DOWN [trainer +1]
Prison Tycoon 4 V1.00 [trainer +1]
Prison Tycoon [trainer +1]
Prisoner Of Ice [cheats]
Prisoner of War [cheats]
Prisoner Of War [trainer +2]
Private Dancer [unlocker]
Privateer 2: The Darkening [cheats]
Pro Beach Soccer [iSO Trainer]
Pro Beach Soccer [trainer +1]
Pro Cycling Manager 2006 [cheats]
Pro Cycling Manager 2014 V1.3 [trainer +6]
Pro Cycling Manager 2015 [trainer +6]
Pro Cycling Manager 2017 V1.0.2.3 [trainer +6]
Pro Cycling Manager 2018 V1.0.1.2 [trainer +6]
Pro Cycling Manager 2019 V1.0.2.3 [Trainer +6]
Pro Cycling Manager 2023 [cheats]
Pro Cycling Manager Season 2014: Le Tour de France [cheats]
Pro Cycling Manager [cheats]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 v1.40 [trainer +9]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 [cheats]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [cheats]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [cheats]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 V1.01 [trainer +4]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 v1.02 [trainer +7]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 [cheats]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 [trainer +4]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 [cheats]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 V1.02.00 [trainer +3]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 [cheats]
Pro Evolution Soccer 3 v1.301 [trainer +4]
Pro Evolution Soccer 3 [cheats]
Pro Evolution Soccer 3 [trainer +4]
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 demo - expander
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 demo [menu trainer]
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 V1.10 [trainer +5]
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 [cheats]
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 [trainer +5]
Pro Gamer Manager V0.165b [trainer +5]
Pro Gamer Manager V0.167 [trainer +5]
Pro Gamer Manager V0.168 [trainer +5]
Pro Pinball Fantastic Journey [trainer]
Pro Pinball: Big Race USA [trainer +1]
Pro Pinball: Timeshock! [cheats]
Pro Rally 2001 [cheats updated]
Pro Rugby Manager 2015 V1.11 [trainer +36]
Pro Rugby Manager [trainer +1]
ProBowl 3D [trainer]
Procyon [cheats]
Prodeus [Trainer +5]
Prodigal [cheats]
Production Line V1.28 [trainer +3]
Production Line V1.66 [Trainer +3]
Professional Farmer 2014 - Platinum Edition 2.145 [trainer +1]
Profi Girls [cheats]
Profitville [cheats]
Project AETHER: First Contact [Trainer +4]
Project Cars 32-bit [trainer +2]
Project Cars 64-bit [trainer +2]
Project CARS [cheats]
Project Earth [trainer +1]
Project Eden [cheat launcher/trainer +6]
Project Eden [cheats]
Project Eden [savegame cheat&unlocker]
Project Highrise v1.0.3 [trainer +6]
Project Hybrid [trainer +3]
Project IGI [trainer +3]
Project IGI ( I'm Going In) [savegame cheat]
Project IGI ( I'm Going In) [trainer +2]
Project IGI : I'm Going In [hints&cheats]
Project IGI: I'm Going In v1.2 [trainer +2]
Project Nimbus V29.06.2019 [Trainer +2]
Project Nomads [cheats]
Project Nomads [editor]
Project Nomads [trainer +2]
Project Reeducation [cheats]
Project Root [cheats]
Project Starship X [Trainer +2]
Project Temporality [cheats]
Project Warlock II [trainer +2]
Project Warlock v1.0.1.0 [Trainer +5]
Project Wingman v1.0 [Trainer +10] {FLiNG}
Project Wingman v1.0-v1.0.4 upd: 2020.12.31 [Trainer +13] {FLiNG}
Project XSTING v0.4.3.9 [trainer +4]
Project: Gorgon [cheats[
Project: Snowblind [cheats]
Project: Snowblind [trainer +4]
Project: Snowblind [trainer +5]
Propnight [cheats]
Prospekt v1.0 [trainer +6]
Prospekt [cheats]
Protector v1.0 [trainer +2]
Protodroid DeLTA v1.08 [Trainer +3]
Prototype - resolution changer
Prototype 1 Steam [trainer +8]
Prototype STEAM [trainer +9]
Prototype 2 [cheats]
Prototype v1.01 [trainer +7]
Prototype [cheats]
Psi Ops The Mindgate Conspiracy [cheats]
Psi Ops The Mindgate Conspiracy [trainer +2]
Psi-Ops [trainer +3]
Psi-Ops [trainer +5]
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy [trainer +4]
Psychonauts 2 v1.0-v20210826 [Trainer +15] {FLiNG}
Psychonauts v1.01 [trainer +11]
Psychonauts [cheats]
Psychopomp [cheats]
PsychoToxic [cheats]
Psychotoxic [savegames]
Pterotrooper [trainer +8]
Pterotrooper [trainer]
PUBG [hints]
Puddle [cheats]
Pug Wars [trainer +3]
Pulsar Lost Colony Beta 20.3 [Trainer +9]
Pulsar Lost Colony Beta 5.1 [trainer +4]
Pulsar Lost Colony Beta 8 [trainer +4]
Pulsarius v1.0 [unlocker]
Puma Soccer vol.1 [trainer]
Punch Club V1.00 [trainer +1] Works on V1.01 ,V1.02 and V1.03
Punch Club V1.02 [trainer +10]
Punic Wars v1.01 [trainer +3]
Punic Wars v1.02 [trainer +3]
Punic Wars [trainer +3]
Punika Oasenspiel [level codes]
PuppetShow: Lost Town Collector's Edition [Trainer +3]
PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville [Trainer +3]
PuppetShow: Souls of the Innocent Collector's Edition [Trainer +3]
Pure Onyx [cheats]
Pure Pinball [trainer +1]
Pure [cheats]
Pure [trainer +5]
Pursuit of Justice [cheats]
Pusher [trainer +1]
Putrefaction V12.3.2015 [trainer +3]
PuzzLab v1.0 [all access cheat]
Puzzle - Lines And Knots 2 [cheats]
Puzzle Agent 2 [cheats]
Puzzle Balls v1.1 [trainer +1]
Puzzle Blast v1.0 [all access cheat]
Puzzle Blast v1.0 [trainer +5]
Puzzle Blast v1.2.0.0 [trainer +7]
Puzzle Brainstorm v1.21 [savegame editor]
Puzzle BrainStorm V1.21 [trainer +5]
Puzzle Chronicles [cheats]
Puzzle Inlay v1.3 [trainer +2]
Puzzle Inlay v1.4 [trainer +9]
Puzzle Inlay v1.45 [trainer +9]
Puzzle Master v1.00.0201 [trainer +4]
Puzzle Pirates [cheats]
Puzzle Quest: Challenge Of The Warlords [cheats]
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix [cheats]
Puzzle Rally v1.6 [trainer +1]
Puzzle Station [cheat]
PuzzleDROP v1.0 [trainer +1]
Puzzler World 2 [cheats]
Puzzlic Advanced [trainer +3]
Pyramid Runner v1.0 [all access cheat]
Pyro Fighters v7 [Trainer +2]